Thursday, 31 March 2011

Forgive me Allah

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Farghfirly ya Allah

Abu Hurairah r.a. said that Allah's Messenger s.a.w used to say when prostrating himself:

"Allahummarghfirli dzammbii kullah, diqqahu wa jullah, wa awwalahu wa akhirahu, wa 'ala niyyahu wa sirra" (O' Allah, forgive me of all my wrong actions, the small of it and the great of it, the first of it and the last of it, the open of it and the secret of it)

[HR Muslim]
All praise be to Allah, Lord of the whole universe

Monday, 28 March 2011


Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

O'Allah, please cleanse our hearts from sins

"I have known people and kept company with groups who neither rejoiced when the things of this world came to them, nor grieved when they lost anything in this world. The life of this world was more insignificant to them than dust. One of them might live for a year or for sixty years without ever having a garment that would entirely cover him, and without ever having anything that would come between him and the ground, and without ever having any food that he could ask to be prepared for him in his own home. When night came, they would be on their feet, with their foreheads flat against the earth, tears rolling down their cheeks, secretly calling on Allah to save them on the Day of Judgement. If they did something good, they never stopped being grateful for it, and they were always asking Allah to forgive them for it. By Allah, they were not safe from wrong actions, and were saved only by their constant turning in repentance. May Allah be pleased with them and grant them His mercy..."
[al-Hasan al-Basree r.a]

Astaghfirullah hal azheem

Allahummargh firghly khaati aati wa jahli wa israfi fi amri wa anta a'klamubihi minni


All praise be to Allah, Lord of the world

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Always the Best

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

I was blog hopping along the lovely blogs of reminders and this one just complete my day. Alhamdulillah (click)

Allah Gives, without reckoning

Sufyan at-Thawri r.a:

Verily, when Allah withholds, He actually gives, because He did not withhold on account of miserliness or stinginess, but rather He looked at the benefit of the servant. So, the fact that He withheld is actually His choice for the servant and His excellent decision.”

[Madarij as-Salikeen 2/215]


All praise be to Allah, Lord of the Universe

Tuesday, 22 March 2011


Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem

Hanya apabila kita pernah merasai kemarau
Barulah kita menghargai nilai hujan walaupun setitik

Allahumma sayyiban nafi'a

Dalam kekalutan menhadapi mehnah dunya
Kadangkala kita terleka
Dari menghargai
Apa yang ada di depan mata

Have we thanked Allah today?
Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Jalan Masih Panjang

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Touching Clouds

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Free yourself from the world

and touch the c

Allahumma inna nas aluka ridhaka wal jannah
wa na'udzubika min sakhatika wan naar

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the world

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Lost and Found

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

All praise to Allah for the blessings He bestows us. I was talking to my colleague at work,and she shared with me a few of her life experiences. After sitting and reflecting on what she had told me, and what she sincerely want in life, I realize that in every soul, there is a thirst to know more about Allah, to be closer to Him, just to feel the sweetness of iman that quenches one's dry heart and soul. But, due to the impurities that engulfed the heart as human grow, it becomes difficult - to admit to oneself that one needs Allah and follow what Allah had delineated in the Quran and what the prophet (pbuh) had modeled.

I remembered when Allah Guided me to the people who strive for jannah and I sincerely missed those moments. The moment when everything was new and fresh, where the words of Allah and reminders permeates the air and you drank it like it was liquor. Feeling as if you will be drunk on the words but you feel more alive, your heart clears up all the clogged blood vessels and pumps fresh and satisfying drink from the fountain of iman and knowledge.

Those were the days and now is the time to practice.
And I tell you, it is not easy.

And to note, those people were still around
And still do what they do best
Spreading knowledge & iman

Seek sincerely and you will be Found

When you purify your hearts just as you purify your garment, union with God will follow. If you sincerely seek union with God, then seek Him inside your hearts and leave the world alone
[Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani]

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the world

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Final Abode

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

A reminder, just in case we forget

Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam

Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]