Wednesday 6 October 2010

Let's Continue This Journey

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Ighfirlana ya Allah
Please Allah, forgive us

O'self, please have patience & passion in this journey to your Creator

Nawwaas ibn Sam’aan reported that the Prophet s.a.w said: “Allah has set forth the following as a parable:

"There is a road which leads straight to the destination. On either side of the road there is a wall in which there are open doors with curtains hanging on them. From the remote end of the road, a voice calls, ‘Proceed straight and don’t turn to any side!’ Whenever someone intends to lift a curtain from the door, another voice calls from above: ‘Beware! Don’t lift the curtain, otherwise you will be lured inside.’

(The Prophet s.a.w explained: ) The straight path is Islam; the walls are the limits (hudood) of Allah (which he has placed on actions); the open doors are the things that He has prohibited; the voice which calls from the end of the road is the Qur’aan and the voice which calls from above is Allah’s monitor in the heart of every believer."

[HR at-Tirmidhee]
All praise be to Allah, Lord of the universe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Assalamu'alaik..MasyaAllah..i like your blog

Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]