Monday 2 November 2009

Now - is Just for A While

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Raheem
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wa lailaha ilallah wallahu akbar. Segala puji diri ini panjatkan pada Yang Maha Mencipta, Maha Memakbulkan, Maha Kuasa, Maha Besar, Maha Suci dari segala yang syirik, Maha Menjaga, Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Tiada apa yang kita ada melainkan segalanya dari-Nya. Diri ini sama seperti yang membaca post ini di hadapan al-Khaliq (Pencipta) kita kecuali taqwa kita yang tiada siapa yang mengetahuinya kecuali Allah ta'ala.

O' Allah, please cleanse our heart
Purify it with Your Light

Wahai diri

Heaven is not cheap
Bersabarlah dengan kesabaran yang baik

Ama Zilna (do we know)?

Approaching God with our hearts
No fear nor grief for whom He guides
His rope is strong and will never waver
His provision is there for all who are in need

In every place, at every time
Above you is The Glorious Caretaking Lord
In every place, at every time
You have a Lord who loves you and will never forget you

Do we know our Lord?
Do we see our Lord's blessings?
Do we know our Lord?
Do we thank Him...
or have we forgotten..

that His servants... we are

In His Dominion we exist for as long as He wills
And we call upon His bounty through prayer
And seek His favors through hope
For He is our refuge when difficulty strengthens its hold

In every place, at every time
Above you is a Gloriouscare Taking Lord
In every place, at every time
You have a Lord who loves and will never forget you

Do we know our Lord?
Do we see our Lord's blessings?

Do we know our Lord?
Do we thank Him...
or have we forgotten..

that His servants... we are

My heart is Allah's
My soul is Allah's

My wealth is Allah's

Sometimes we got carried away by the things that are not even worth to be carried away with. We worry about getting this and losing that, that we sometimes forget the essence of being us - a hamba to Allah and His vicegerent. Allah - Most Glorious, Most Kind, Most Merciful. Astaghfirullah hal azheem. Mari kita take a step back, sit and reflect on all the blessings that Allah have bestowed to us. Wahai jiwa ini, ingatlah bahawa engkau akan kembali kepada-Nya, berhadapan dengan-Nya dan segala anggotamu akan menjadi saksi kepada segala amalanmu. Everything that you have is not yours, its Allah's. Your heart, your soul, your ruh, you body, your aql, and your wealth - are Allah's.

Wahai jiwaku, this is just for a while
A time for you to cleanse and purify yourself
Rabbi tammim bil khayr

Segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam

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Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]