Sunday, 1 March 2009


Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim

ighfirly ya Allah, ana faqir ilayka

Maka, nikmat Tuhanmu yg manakah yang kamu dustakan?
[31 kali disebut Allah dalam surah ar-Rahman]

A worshipper worshipped Allah ta'ala for 50 years, so Allah ta'ala told him that He had forgiven him. The man said, "O' Allah, what is there to forgive when I have not committed a wrong action?" So Allah caused a nerve in his neck to give him pain, so he could not sleep or pray. When the pain eased and he was able to sleep, an angel came to him, so he complained to the angel of the pain he had suffered. The angel told him, "Your Lord says to you that your 50 years of worship is to pay for the soothing of your pain."

Ibn Abi'd-Dunya mentioned that Daud a.s. asked Allah, "What is the least of Your blessings?" Allah revealed to him, "O' Daud, take a breath." Daud a.s. did so, and Allah told him, "This is the least of My blessings on you."

From this we may understand the meaning of the hadith which was narrated by Zaid Ibn Thabit and Ibn Abbas r.a.: "If Allah was to punish the people of heaven and earth, He would have done that without being unjust towards them, and if He were to have mercy on them, His Mercy would be far better for them than their deeds." [HR Abu Daud]

In a sahih hadith the Messenger of Allah s.a.w. said: "No one will attain salvation by virtue of his deeds." The people asked, "Not even you, O' Messenger of Allah?" He said,"Not even me, unless Allah covers me with His mercy and blessings."

The deeds of man cannot pay for even one of the many blessings of Allah, because even the smallest of Allah's blessings and favours outweight the deeds of man. So, we must always bear in mind the rights which Allah has over us.
Taken from: [Page 78] Patience and Gratitude
An abridged translation of
uddat as-sabirin wa dhakirat ash-shakirin

By Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah
segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam


Anonymous said...

excellently phrase.. can you write and explain something on the selawat and the fadhilat selawat?.. tq


Masha Allah, la quwwatailla billah.

subhanallahi wabihamdih, subhanallahil azeem.

Insya Allah I'll have to do some research and ask scholars beforehand. I'll try to give you links related to it, especially talks by several alim ulama as soon as possible. bi iznillah.

*I am quite 'packed' at the moment, astaghfirullah. Allah had made me this busy with several worldly responsibilities. Please pray for me ye kak. Jazakillahu khayran kathira. Take care kak.


Anonymous said...

tq, and take your time to help me this.. i pray your success in all your undertakings.. salam

Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]