Dengan Asma' Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Pengasihani
Cintaku padamu hanya kerana Allah, hanya kerana-Nya dan untuk-Nya
Umar ibn al-Khattab related that the Messenger of Allah said: ‘Among the servants of Allah are individuals who, though they are neither prophets nor martyrs, are envied by the prophets and martyrs for their rank with Allah on the Last Day.’ A man asked ‘Umar, ‘Who are they and what are their deeds that we may love them?’ He said, ‘People who love each other by the ruh of Allah without being related by blood and without sharing wealth between them, by Allah, their faces have light, and they are on minbars of light without fear when others are afraid and without sadness when others are sad.’ Then he read from the Qur’an: ‘Surely for the Awliya of Allah there is no fear upon them nor are they sad.’ Ya Salam!
Subhanallah. Sometimes, in all these priviledged life (alhamdulillah) there is this one integral part of our life that we missed - hablummin an-nas (you and me) and huquq al-alam (you and the environment). Upon reading Erikson's theory of 'egocentrism' where everything we do, say and act always involves - us. We think that everything is all about us, true but there's this line, a thin limit that we must be careful not to break. The line that says - what we are is not for us to judge, but for Allah ta'ala to judge. Yes, we 'did' our part in the society, but is it bringing people closer to Allah (for the muslims) and making people believe in Allah (for the non-muslims)?
First: Hablum minAllah
Which will brings us to: Hablum minan-naas
Which will lead to: Huquq al-Alam
Encompassing all of these are the fact that we have to just give reminders, to ourselves and to others. It takes time, sometimes it works and sometimes, it doesn't. It is not easy, really. As much as you want to go to Allah's jannah Firdaus, that is also how you must want the people around you to achieve and get. But, get ready, sometimes you'll weep and cry to Allah, begging for Allah's divine forgiveness and help for you to just move on and go through this treacherous journey towards Allah ta'ala. This is easier said than done, really. Yet, please do not lose hope, you have Allah with you at all times, all the angels that are sent to scribble all your deeds/sins, your limbs, your whole body, is watching and observing and they will be your mouth during the day of the Hisab, in front of Allah azzawajalla.
Honestly, I myself am not sure whether I am qualified to be in jannah Firdaus, but we'll try our best and help each other to achieve it and gain Allah ta'ala's divine Redha. That is all that we can do. We tried our very best, pray to Allah, and tawakkal. Insya Allah.
Pendekatan berhikmah....
"Qum faanzir" but in a way that is so full of qudwah hasanah that people will fell in love with the dzat that creates it rather than only to the mere human that practices it. Also, not easy. I have to agree on this as people A might have different interpretation than people B who also have different ideas on giving reminders from people C. Why? Because we are different and we will cater to people who can accept our ways and our presentation. We will stumble and fall, but we will get up, rub that sore wound a bit, bear with the pain and continue our way.
Even though it takes forever, as long as it is continuously consistent, you do not have to worry. La tahzan, innAllah ma'ana. Slowly but surely.
If people ask you why did you put yourself through all these hardships. Just say, because I care..........
Just a reflection and a reminder for me... I admit that I am a mere human being with such limited knowledge that I have the tendency to make mistakes. If i forget, it is you, whom I hope love me because of Allah ta'ala, will be the person to remind me. jazakallahu khayran kathira
First: Hablum minAllah
Which will brings us to: Hablum minan-naas
Which will lead to: Huquq al-Alam
Encompassing all of these are the fact that we have to just give reminders, to ourselves and to others. It takes time, sometimes it works and sometimes, it doesn't. It is not easy, really. As much as you want to go to Allah's jannah Firdaus, that is also how you must want the people around you to achieve and get. But, get ready, sometimes you'll weep and cry to Allah, begging for Allah's divine forgiveness and help for you to just move on and go through this treacherous journey towards Allah ta'ala. This is easier said than done, really. Yet, please do not lose hope, you have Allah with you at all times, all the angels that are sent to scribble all your deeds/sins, your limbs, your whole body, is watching and observing and they will be your mouth during the day of the Hisab, in front of Allah azzawajalla.
Honestly, I myself am not sure whether I am qualified to be in jannah Firdaus, but we'll try our best and help each other to achieve it and gain Allah ta'ala's divine Redha. That is all that we can do. We tried our very best, pray to Allah, and tawakkal. Insya Allah.
Pendekatan berhikmah....
"Qum faanzir" but in a way that is so full of qudwah hasanah that people will fell in love with the dzat that creates it rather than only to the mere human that practices it. Also, not easy. I have to agree on this as people A might have different interpretation than people B who also have different ideas on giving reminders from people C. Why? Because we are different and we will cater to people who can accept our ways and our presentation. We will stumble and fall, but we will get up, rub that sore wound a bit, bear with the pain and continue our way.
Even though it takes forever, as long as it is continuously consistent, you do not have to worry. La tahzan, innAllah ma'ana. Slowly but surely.
If people ask you why did you put yourself through all these hardships. Just say, because I care..........
Just a reflection and a reminder for me... I admit that I am a mere human being with such limited knowledge that I have the tendency to make mistakes. If i forget, it is you, whom I hope love me because of Allah ta'ala, will be the person to remind me. jazakallahu khayran kathira
segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam
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