Friday, 17 July 2009

Menyentuh hati

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

Touch the heart, touch the mind

Mohon ambil beberapa minit untuk menonton dan menghayati video di atas (disampaikan oleh Syeikh Habib Ali al-Jifri). Walaupun telah lama Allah izinkan untuk saya (dan mungkin shbt-shbt lain) menghayati peringatan ini, baru hari ini Allah inzinkan untuk saya berkongsi dengan semua. Alhamdulillah. Moga ia bermanfaat dan moga kita mendapat pengajaran dari ini. Insya Allah.

This is a simple (but quite long) transcription of the talk dedicated for a very tabah & strong someone. Insya Allah.

In these lands there are many people who have the potential to emerge as someone like Umar (al-Khattab). But they need to be shown this mercy (love/patience) in order for that potential to emerge.

In the time of the prophet of Allah s.a.w. when the prophet had managed to go back into Makkah and was doing tawaf around the Ka'abah. There was a man, who was out of rancor and hatred for the prophet and his message s.a.w., managed to sneak into Makkah and hide a poison dagger upon this person. And he went, circulating around the Ka'abah with the prophet as the prophet s.a.w was doing tawaf intending to assassinate the prophet by plunging the dagger upon his back. This is someone who lives a lonely existence on the earth.

And the prophet s.a.w. turned to this man named Fudhayllah and said "O' Fudhayllah what is it that you have that you are conversing yourself with? What is this monologue that you are having between yourself?" He (Fudhayllah) said, "O' Messenger of Allah, I do tawaf and I remember the name of Allah." So the prophet of Allah s.a.w went quiet and carry on doing tawaf. And the man went behind him.

And again he (s.a.w) turned around and said, "O' Fudhayllah what conversation are you having inside yourself?" Would you imagine what the man is feeling towards the prophet s.a.w when the prophet (s.a.w.) had his gaze alighted to this man. And who was it that was looking upon this man in the syama'il (books of virtues of the prophet s.a.w.) we heard that the prophet s.a.w. had the most splendid light upon his face. And it is this face with that smile of the prophet s.a.w that the first time looked at the man and said "O' Fudhayllah what dialogue are you having with yourself?" And again the second time it is the same beautiful face looking at the man with its light and asking him the same question.

And again, the man said to the prophet s.a.w. "O' prophet of Allah, I'm doing tawaf and I'm remembering Allah" And again the prophet s.a.w. smiled again at him and carried on doing tawaf.

And upon the third time the prophet s.a.w. stopped his tawaf, turned around and said "O' Fudhayllah, what dialogue are you having with yourself?" He (Fudhayllah) said, "O' Messenger of Allah, I am doing dhikr of Allah (remembrance of Allah)"

So the prophet s.a.w turned his entire body towards the man. Can you understand what this means? He (s.a.w.) directed his entire being towards this man.

They say in the syama'il of the prophet of Allah s.a.w. that whenever he turned towards someone, he wouldn't turn with his entire being.

He turned towards the man and placed his hand towards the man's chest - a breast that is filled with hate and rancor that conceals a dagger. Fudhayllah said at that point, "I swear by Allah, when he (s.a.w) placed his hand upon my chest, there was no man upon this face of the earth more hated to Muhammad (s.a.w) than him. And he (s.a.w) did not remove his hand from my chest except that there was no more beloved upon the face of the earth than him (s.a.w)"

There are hearts amongst us in this lands that are the inheritors of the spiritual state of Fudhayllah - hearts full of hatred and rancor. But what we need are hearts and hands which are the inheritors of the prophet of Allah s.a.w to place their hands upon those chests.

The spiritual inheritors of Fudhayllah awaits you, O' spiritual inheritors of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

How it hurts me when I hear, among our own discourse, within our own Islamic discourse, those that keep saying things like, 'this discourse, this light airy fairy, and kindness discourse, (has) nothing to do with Islam. And this is the discourse just to compromise our position. And this is the discourse to make us lose jihad. No! I say to them, this is the discourse of jihad in these lands.

Because this is the jihad you need to bring upon yourself, in order to save it, in order to nurture it, in order to elevate it, to be in such a state as to have mercy upon those on the earth.

These are his (s.a.w) words.

The prophet of Allah s.a.w said: "A kind word is a form of charity." [Bukhari & Muslim]

Yet we hear, within our own discourse, some who say, 'a kind word is an expression of our weakness. I am going to respect this person for whatever he says. But who is my example and my leader? The one who said that "Kind word is a form of charity." (which is Rasulullah s.a.w)

Allahuma sholli 'ala sayyidina Muhammad, wa 'ala 'aliihi wa sohbihi wa sallam wal hamdulillahi Rabbil 'alameen.

segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam


Anonymous said...

kak tak faham.. please explain... minta maaf jika kak menggangu , but i want to know more.. thank you
kak azieda


salam akk...lama xdengar berita. Hopefully everything is fine. Allah izin xdapat update baca blog akk sbb private huhu~

Insya Allah nnt sy explain ttg video ni. Take care tau akk...

All the best in life

salam syg dari Plymouth


salam akk,

the video is actually lepas the issue of the caricature of the prophet Muhammad s.a.w. The syeikh sedang memberi talk on the hikmah of making sure that as muslims, we are not driven by anger or emotions per se. He is reflecting on how to manage people who are hard-hearted - by touching their heart though words of Allah (Quran) and through kind words and not through anger. The prophet s.a.w. is a very patient person thus, we should also be patient just like our prophet s.a.w.

Actually the video is not finished but I cannot find the second part of the video due to some problems...

Apa-apa lg let me know ye kak..


Anonymous said...

salam dear., what is your name?
also i heard from this video that do not have the spirit of faddhy.. well akak tak perasan the exact word described,, i want to know more about this.
thank you.
i put my blog on private because i received three hateful comments on my blogs soon after i posted a second entry on my daughter's wedding. sad as well as humiliating. i had to close my blog to protect my maruah.


wslm wbt

My name is Nabilah bt Ahmad Iskandar. In terms of the video, insya Allah, I think I'll try to post the transcription of what the syeikh is saying in the video as soon as possible.

Regarding to your blog, xpe kak. No worries. If that is what it takes to make sure that your maruah (and maybe safety) is terjaga, then, its better that it's private. Insya Allah.

Here's a doa that the prophet (pbuh) baca untuk meminta dilindungi dari fitnah [Hadis Riwayat al-Bukhari]:

A'udzubillahi min al fitan
(Aku mohon pertolongan dengan Allah dari fitnah-fitnah)

Akk take care ye...
Be strong [~_~]

Salam syg dari Plymouth

Anonymous said...

Dear nabilah, as soon i recited the doa that you posted, I shed some tears to reflect what had happened to my life where to the best of my knowledge i have kept it clean and good. anyway, i will recite it many times. I admire the way you write. How i wish i could meet you in person. insha allah. i do believe that Allah designs all the meetings and all.. once again. thank you so much for replying my queries

kak azieda


wslm wbt

Insya Allah akk, someday we'll meet. If it is not now, we'll meet in the hereafter. Insya Allah [~_~]
alhamdulillah I have already posted the transcription. I do hope it is beneficial. Insya Allah.

Take care akk *hugs*

orang di Plymouth

Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]