Monday, 27 July 2009

Who is your loved one?

Bismillah ar-Rahman ar-Rahim
Assalammualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu

The world is in our hand, not the other way around

Wahai diri
Jadilah hamba kepada Tuhan
Bukan hamba kepada makhluk ciptaan
Juga bukan kepada falsafah mengikut hawa nafsu semata
Ikutilah al-Quran
Dan juga sunnah

Ihfazillah yahfazka

Ighfirly ya Allah
ana faqir ilayka

Daripada Abu Said Al Khudri r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda: “Sesungguhnya dunia adalah manis dan indah. Allah telah menjadikan kamu sebagai khalifah di dunia. Lalu, Allah melihat bagaimana kamu beramal.”
[HR Muslim]
segala puji hanya bagi Allah, Tuhan sekalian alam


minimainimira said...

“Dunia ini mirip seperti samudera yang dalam. Ramai orang yang tewas tenggelam di sana. Maka jadikanlah ketaqwaan kepada Allah sebagai bahteramu di dalamnya dan mengisinya dengan keimanan kepada Allah , dan jalannya bertawakkal kepada Allah supaya kamu selamat. Sementara kamu jangan sekali-kali berfikir boleh selamat daripadanya.”(Luqman Al-Hakim)

Kadang-kadang memang senang melafazkan “kejar akhirat…” tapi sejauh mana eh kita “meninggalkan dunia untuk mengejar akhirat?” ataukah itu hanya lafaz skema yang dihadirkan walaupun hati masih terpaut dengan kemewahan, pangkat dan puji-pujian? kena selalu tepuk dada tanya iman ni.


iye mira...
baru terbaca ttg taqwa [al-anfal:29]


*mode muhasabah*

Anonymous said...

Sungguh benar nabila. ramai terikut menjadi hamba kepada manusia. Dunia ni hak iblis when iblis took the authority over man through nabi adam. I for one tend to be chasing after dunia and yes, I do know I will be leaving this dunia yet I threw the thought away saying nay..not this time. We saw many sudden death among celebrities and to me it is an awareness that my time too will come and when, I dont know. But for meantime, let me be prepared. Im so proud of you to have passion to write on Allah and for loving HIM so much.. Your blog has made me Love Allah more and so bless to be born muslim. Susah tau if we not muslim and to learn and to terima Islam cuz setan iblis are a liar and a thief and will forever let Adam's offsprings to astray.


Dear akk,

Moga akk sihat&dlm ketenangan hati. Insya Allah. Maaf xdapat reply coz Allah izin xdpt online sangat these few days. huhu~

I understand, sometimes its very difficult to go through this life&there are always these obstacles yg we hv to go through to achieve success. In terms of syaitan&iblis, they are always there to divert us from loving Allah sbb they will make us love other worldly things. That's their promise to Allah (to sesatkan manusia through many ways i.e. whispering to us to do negative things, to divert our attention from good deeds to nil etc.).

Thus, we have to be strong. The syaitan/iblis cant do anything to us unless we let their whispers influence us.

Plus, Allah is ever Maha Pengasih, Penyayang&Pengampun. If we truly repent&do good deeds (yg diniatkan for Him), insya Allah, Allah have promised us that He will accept our repentance:

"Say O' My bondsmen who have transgressed againts their souls! Do not be despondent of Allah's mercy. Verily Allah forgives all sins. Indeed He is the most forgiving, the Most Merciful"


Kita sama-sama ye akk, teruskan our usaha to love Allah&meneruskan juga menyucikan hati&diri kita dari dosa.

p/s: Always baca " 'audzubillahi minas-syaitannir-rajiim' " (maybe akk tahu pun doa ni, tapi there's a hadeeth that Rasulullah s.a.w said to a sahabat that if we baca this doa, syaitan will become small,puny & weak)

Though we never met, iLOVEu akk..
take care tau...


orang di UK

Life is for Rent

Life is for Rent
"Ya Tuhan kami. Berikanlah kami Rahmat dari sisi-Mu dan sempurnakanlah petunjuk yang lurus bagi kami dalam urusan kami" [al-Kahf:10]